torsdag 19 mars 2015

Less is more

När kroppen är lite vissen så passar jag på att pigga upp mej och den med ännu mera scrap:-)
Hakade på en Clean& Simple utmaning med temat djur hos Less is more....


7 kommentarer:

  1. Super fun and cute. Great image and so full of happiness.
    You might also like to link up at AAA Cards as we are looking for similar cards there too. Thanks for playing along at LIM. Sarah x

  2. This is really cute but it looks as though your frog has been stuck on to the front of the card instead of being stamped and so is no longer a one layer card.
    If you are not sure of what is acceptable for our One Layer Challenges, do please look at the Guidelines at the top of our blog!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  3. Å så fint! Jag gillar ju det enkla. Kolla Lillevi: jag har blivit med blogg ;) Trevlig helg önskar Ulrica.

  4. What a sweet image, though unfortunately you don't seem to have made a one layer card?
    Do check out our guidelines if you're unsure
    Less is More
